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Dec 24, 20226 min read
Tales of the First Recorded God-Chosen
This story begins many, many cycles back. Long before the people of the mountains were called by any name but that of their clans, and...

May 4, 20223 min read
Loresday - A Treatise on Offerings
On Offerings. Writ by Raiteva Luni of Kotè Onè, 487 We live now in such times that the gates of our great city have been thrown open and...

Sep 1, 20211 min read
Loresday - The Omadas
1st Omada, the Radiant Blade An elite squad comprised exclusively of Tigues, trained to serve, protect, and act in matters of diplomacy...

Jul 28, 20213 min read
Loresday - The Lanton Prioms
Prioms Sane & Kete Lanton. Twins Kete and Sane Lanton are the grandchildren of the prominent Ard Tiarna, Sorcha Lanton, one of the...

Jul 21, 20213 min read
Loresday - The Rulers of Kordi
Archos Etelin janSihala. The younger child of the late Archos Sihala, Etelin was born and raised in the height of the Half-Century War....

Jul 18, 20212 min read
Loresday - The City of Emeria
The newly acquired Kordi territory between Ton Mohr and Raddlin Run was granted to the Ard Tiarna Alekander Wisinha in the year 3....

Jul 14, 20217 min read
Loresday - Creatures
The world of Eras is full of creatures both mundane and magical, some passive or even friendly, others dangerous or aggressive. We can...

Jul 8, 20212 min read
Loresday - Creation
Creation. “A very long, long time ago, before the existence of the Allos and the humans and the Prytanis and all of the creatures that...

Jun 30, 20214 min read
Loresday - Archos Sihala
Archos Sihala, the “Selfless.” Born to a weaver family of the former Kowi clan, Sihala was the first leader of the Kordi Nation. After...

Jun 23, 20212 min read
Loresday - Dragons
Dragons are often referred to as the “most mysterious creatures on Eras.” Their origin is uncertain, although their presence within the...
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